HOSS SAUCE is ready to help you with your tan

The first of the year always seems to get people interested in how they look and this year is no exception. It is clear that there are issues in so many areas related to a cross between the pandemic and the politics. Things that have been running rampant. Yes, many areas cannot go to their favorite tanning salon, beauty shops, barber shops or gyms. Some others cannot go near the beach and then there are even others that are able to find business open. We have all been hearing who can and cannot open and irronically there is a difference depending on your city or state.

You probably are aware that tanning is a good thing and the exposure to UV light is necessary for our well being. Vitamin D3 levels are important as any doctor will tell you and that the people who are exposed to UV light frequently generally have better levels of D3 in their systems. Along the same lines you may have heard opinions that exposure to UV light helps fight viruses, and from everything I have learned, that seems to be a true. So, the next step is finding where you can tan. Maybe you have your own tanning bed and take it from me that makes it very nice. You might be lucky and, live in an area that allows tanning salons to be open, maybe your favorite gym is open and you can tan there or maybe you are allowed to go out in the sun at the beach, lake or even in your yard and get some sun.

Ok, now we have established a few reasons why you might want to tan beside the obvious on that it makes you feel better about yourself. I have always described tanning for twenty minutes or howver long you do tan for a vacation in your busy day. That short amount of time can do wonders for you and how you feel.

When you tan it is important that you use a lotion that was formulated to help you develop the tan you desire, a lotion that will help you replenish your skins lost moisture at the same time as you are developing terrific color.

We have an excellent selection of tanning lotion that will work for you and help you develop great tan fast. I assure you that with one of our results created lotions you will love the results.

Results count, after all that is what you are buying, right? Let me know what you think below and check out Desert Viking Beauty

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